Saturday, 17 March 2012

Leasing versus Purchasing Assets | Finance Train

  • A firm may choose to purchase outright a long-lived asset, such as an airplane or an office building, giving the firm full benefit and risk from asset ownership; however it may also enter into a lease agreement with another firm, to lease an asset and assume partial benefit and risk associated with the asset.
  • Lessee ? ?borrower? of the leased asset.
  • Lessor ? ?lender? of the leased asset.
  • Operating Lease ? typically a short-term lease where the lessor retains most of the benefits and risks associated with owning the asset.
  • Capital Lease ? typically a long-term lease where the lessee assumes most of the benefits and risks associated with owning the asset.
  • In capitalizing a lease, an equal balance sheet asset and liability are created and both are reduced over the term of the lease; these reductions are expensed to the income statement.
  • Lessees and Operating Leases ? a company may be incented to treat leases as operating leases because the financial commitment associated with the operating lease contract is not recorded on the balance sheet as a liability.? Operating leases can be seen as a form of off-balance sheet financing for a company.? If a lease is capitalized by a lessee, the resulting liability will have debt-like impacts on a company?s financial ratios.
  • Lessors and Capital Leases ? companies who act as lessors may be incented to treat leases as sales-type capital leases in order to show higher net income.
Series NavigationRevaluation of Property, Plant, & Equipment (PPE)Traditional Lessee Accounting in US GAAP

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