May 27 2012
I am totally overwhelmed at the response to both the book and our new column with The Sunday Times.
Over the past two weeks I have been inundated with the nicest emails and messages on FB from people all over the world.
Some of the messages are from people that have bought and read the book, and some are from people who are waiting for their book to arrive, and some are from people that have already started cooking the recipes from the book.
Down below I have included a few screen shots of messages I have received.
I think testimonials speak for themselves. You can see from reading the ones below that ?The Chef & I? is worth your hard earned shekels.Our book makes for a nice summer read and after you have finished the narrative part you can move on to the nourishing part and start cooking up some of the recipes.
The book launch, fast approaching on Thursday, (May 31st 2012. 6:00pm at Cases Wine Warehouse) will keep us busy for the upcoming week and after it has come to pass I will be back to blogging. The Chef and I have a list as long as your arm of food prep ahead of us, starting today and finishing on Thursday around 5:00pm leaving us just enough time for a quick shower and change before heading in to Cases to meet the Mayor of the city of Galway for a few photos.
If you are coming out to support us on Thursday ? do let us know?..even though we have been in the restaurant business for years and years and years ?. ?it is always nice to know how many people to expect!
First up ? an email from a lovely lady named Caroline ?
This made me cry ?
An old friend from my high school days putting it to the test!
Someone already trying out the recipes and posting it on their FB page!
Then a newer friend all the way from Kentucky showing of his new purchase!
An email from a special friend and former customer of ours in Cincinnati ?.
This one also made me cry ?
Another loyal Facebook fan putting the recipes to the test!
You must try this recipe ?..
And this one ?. just because of how it made me feel ?
This makes me happy ?
And this one is pretty nice too ?.
Words cannot express the pride I feel ?
Now ? before you go all thinking it is rosy in the garden ? there have been a few ?meh? comments too. Keep in mind I am terribly thick-skinned and well able to handle the criticisms ?.. and for my own reasons I am not going to highlight ?the who and why? these comments have come from but feel it is necessary to share them so you do not think I am delusional. I know this book is not for everyone.
?It?s an easy read? ?. . . .
Yes. It is. I am a busy Mum and have very little time to plough through a heavy read. I was writing it for ?myself? first.
?It sounds like it was written on a creative writing course? ?
Bingo. It was written on a creative writing course. I still am not sure what this one means exactly ? I think it means that maybe I did not really work hard enough at making it harder to read? I should have tried harder to incorporate bigger words and longer sentences perhaps?
Truth is, I worked very hard at keeping it ?an easy read? so that it would not bog the reader down.
I still have my traing wheels on guys. This is just my first book. I expect by the time I get to the fourth book ? I will have gotten the hang of it and be only fabulous at the book writing.
Those are, to date, the ?worst? things I have heard about the book and to be honest neither of those comments, coming from two very important people in my life, made me cry. Most of all the other comments did.
Going to college to learn how to write is a tough game. You are judged by your peers in college, you are graded by your teachers and your teachers are judged by their peers based on what you produce.
The lesson that I have just learned, now that the book is out in the world, is that none of that matters. All that matters is that last September 5th 2012 I set out to write and publish a book and I did it. From start to finish. And now the people who really matter, YOU ? the readers that have been ?liking? all my photos and ?loving and commenting? on all my stories over the last few years, are all loving our book..
Thank you, thank you, thank you ??..
This author has just emerged xx
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