Saturday, 1 September 2012

Voters respond to Mitt Romney's convention address

Yahoo! News asked voters to share their reactions to Mitt Romney's address at the Republican National Convention on Thursday. In their own words, here are perspectives from voters across the nation.


As he walked past the RNC delegates to make his acceptance speech, it felt very much like a glimpse of the future: President Mitt Romney greeting his supporters quite literally "at their level" rather than stepping out onto a stage and the words "We Believe in America" behind him.

Romney's a man who is proud of his country, and his acceptance speech was uplifting and forward-thinking. Hope is difficult to quantify, however.

Jobs give people real hope -- and the means to change their lives. Government isn't the answer to jobs. Romney gets this and President Obama doesn't, which is why the high felt after his election has fallen very solidly flat. Romney makes the very valid point that many Americans have lost that hope.

Happy feelings don't put people to work. Encouraging, rather than shackling, small-business owners does, and this is his plan.

-- Kimberly Morgan


I had hoped to hear a strong, vibrant leader explain how he was going to lead America back to its former greatness. Unfortunately, in the end I was disappointed.

He did make good points by comparing Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter, and by saying that something was wrong when the best feeling people might have for President Obama was on the day they voted for him. His five-point plan for creating jobs was ambitious, but condescending. We've heard it all before.

I felt he pandered to groups that were not inclined to vote for him. He spoke in a high, whining voice that I found annoying. He mouthed the same platitudes that we have been hearing from politicians for the last 30 years. His face lacked any expression that indicated he was excited about what he was saying.

That said, I will vote for Romney. Because the alternative is simply unbearable.

-- Dave Port


Mitt Romney's acceptance speech to the 2012 Republican National Convention lacked adornment and soaring rhetoric by deliberate design. It was more of a plain-spoken speech that mocked flowery rhetoric, such as when he referenced President Obama's promise to heal the planet and stop the oceans from rising. Romney simply promised to help Americans and their families, which in itself had a simplicity that was a kind of eloquence.

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, whom Romney met weeks before the astronaut's death, must have been much on Romney's mind. He paid tribute to the first moonwalker, using him as a symbol of American exceptionalism and greatness: "And I don't doubt for a second that Neil Armstrong's spirit is still with us: that unique blend of optimism, humility and the utter confidence that when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff, you need an American."

-- Mark Whittington


He seemed more open, more personable and even funny a few times. However, as a longtime voter with Republican leanings, I'm not inspired... and, I want to be inspired. The speech seemed like a super stump speech instead of a national platform coming-out party.

I was really hoping the debunked lines from the Romney/Ryan campaign about welfare, Obamacare and more would have been cleared up. I guess they are going to stick to the theory of "if we say it enough, then it must be true." The good news is that Mitt Romney may have been able to personalize his image a bit.

-- Kent Whitaker


I have been watching the speakers at the Republican National Convention, waiting for Romney's acceptance speech as a doubter, waiting to be convinced. When Romney began his speech, I was wary. His expressions and his words were calm and well-paced but uninspiring. That didn't last long, however.

Several key lines from Romney's speech quickly set a new tone from him and inspired a fresh exuberance from the audience. I was impressed that as he spoke of President Obama, there was no hint of rancor, no hint of attack; there was simply a recitation of the failures he sees in Obama's leadership. Romney won over the crowd and made me a believer when he pointed out the difference in priorities: "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. My promise... is to help you and your family."

That is the message that Americans want to hear; that help is on the way.

-- Andrea Paulsen


Romney expressed some of his feelings about how Americans have "freedom, freedom of religion, freedom to speak their own mind, and, yes, freedom to build a business with their own hands."

Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties completely define my beliefs and values as an American. However, after hearing Mitt Romney's address, it is safe to say I would absolutely feel more comfortable giving him my vote this coming November, strictly for one reason: Romney more so embodies the spirit of a capitalistic society than President Obama ever has.

-- D. Emile Delaney


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